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Our members

West Country Water and Environment (WCWE) is a collaboration of water companies, regulators and stakeholders.

Core members

The five core members are the region’s water companies and a key regulator: 

Associated members

Our associate members are organisations with an interest in water resources management in the region from a regulatory or functional perspective. They include:

These members are likely to attend meetings of the West Country Water and Environment regularly and may be integral to developing the solutions we need.

In addition, our consultees are organisations with an interest in water resources management who WCWE will engage and consult with during the development of the regional plan and strategy.

The consultees include but are not limited to:

  • local authorities
  • local enterprise partnerships
  • universities
  • veolia water projects
  • water company customers.
Through our work with our partners, we aim to achieve long-term environmental planning, a drought resilient and secure water supply, and more.
Our region covering the South West, from Wiltshire to Cornwall, is a varied landscape with numerous urban areas, national parks and vast beautiful coastlines.
We are working on three schemes called Strategic Resource Options (SROs). These flagship projects will ensure we secure essential water supply for the future.